CTA Senegal
CTA Group is active in Sénégal and operates through 2 sub entities: CTA mining and CTA DAF. CTA mining’s activities operates into 3 major activities. First of all, the mining team focuses on brand representation and distribution in Senegal. They distribute brands like SIEMENS, SKF, NORDBAK and many more.
Secondly, they also handle trading with a huge range of products, which they distribute into the Senegalese mining industries such as chemicals, machineries, mining equipments and parts.
Lastly, CTA senegal mining’s team exert also into services like technical support, end to end solutions by dint of a local technical center in Dakar.
The second team CTA DAF, put forth of representing DAF truck in Senegal. The main activities of this entity sums up into the distribution of DAF trucks. Besides this, they deal also with DAF truck services, they offer you a profound insight. Last but not least, the DAF team distribute a wide range of spare parts.