A word from our Managing Director: Quentin Scouflaire
It is obvious that we are living in difficult, uncertain times, that are tabbing into resilience capabilities we didn’t even know we had. Or we had absolutely no idea we had.
First of all, let us have a common thought for those who, have suffered from the deep loss of loved ones in this pandemic. Let us hope that together we will see the end of this tunnel very soon and be happy that the African continent, which was predicted to be in the throes of an epidemic cataclysm, has fared relatively well.
The main question on everyone’s minds (including ours) is: will we go back to “business as usual”, within the same mechanisms?
I was invited two months ago to a panel organized by the Brussels Economic Chamber and, to say the least, the answer to this question was not unanimous… The most immediate response that comes to mind is the enormous layer of uncertainty that surrounds our future, mainly in the business world. This will require us to be even more flexible and agile, because our teams will have to face purchasing and investment decisions that will come later, the result of heavy doubts. This will also have to be done in close partnership with our customers and partners.
Finally, we will have to consider proximity. With this in mind, we have taken advantage of this period to open our ‘One-stop-shop’ in Dakar, intended to become one of the references in terms of distribution points for ‘genuine’ flagship industrial brands. It is also in this context that we are continuing the construction of our DAF concession in Bargny.
Thank you for your attention, take care of yourself and your loved ones and be well.